Project Herbert Documentation
Everything you should know about Project Herbert and Deployment instructions.
Project Herbert is a traffic attribution and accounting tool. It is built on a bunch of open source tools to allow simple visibility into how much data you're using and who is using that data.
More information can be found on the landing About page
This project uses a base of open source tools. Although there are a number of dependencies to setup this project, the design goals were to make it such that this tool was very modular, meaning you can add and swap components of this system as you see fit. This system was designed to scale and you should have no problems deploying all these components as clusters to scale out where you need it.
At the heart of this project is a message queue. This can be a very powerful tool to expand on this project by attaching to exchanges on events like user authentication. We have for instance built add-ons that can block or throttle users where desired.
RabbitMQ is used as the message-broker of choice. It allows applications to connect to each other and provide a common platform for messages to be exchanged. RabbitMQ is used in this project to:
- Act as a buffer for 'unprocessed' netflows before we've had a chance to match a user up to them.
- Allow the solution to be pluggable. All users-auth messages gets put into an exchange that you can attach queues to allowing you to add-on features without changing any of the code and config.
MongoDB is used our data store. It was chosen because of the simplicity to index and shard the collections such that as this becomes the bottleneck, you can scale up the cluster.
the pmacct project was chosen because of the ability for it to receive BGP feeds. We use this for our traffic classification should it be desired. This utility has the ability to push the netflow messages into RabbitMQ.
Netflow can be used to send flows for the traffic used along with all the L3 headers. Whilst we are using Netflow to do this traffic attribution it might be worth noting pmacct does support operating in either a bridge mode or on a port span.
Configuring Dependencies
Nothing special needs to occur here. You can find the installation guide on the RabbitMQ website. After installing you just have to add a user so that the app can access it
There are a few tips to the MongoDB install. Just follow the appropriate MongoDB install guide to build yourself a cluster. It is recommended that you install at least Mongo 2.6 for performance reasons.
A database is required to be created and you should add a user to access the counters from your applications. Once the application is running, to keep it fast, there are some indexes you can create using the following:
db.user_daily_totals.ensureIndex( { username: "hashed" } ) db.user_monthly_totals.ensureIndex( { username: "hashed" } ) db.user_weekly_totals.ensureIndex( { username: "hashed" } ) db.user_yearly_totals.ensureIndex( { username: "hashed" } ) db.user_daily_totals.ensureIndex( { username: 1, date: 1 } ) db.user_monthly_totals.ensureIndex( { username: 1, date: 1 } ) db.user_weekly_totals.ensureIndex( { username: 1, date: 1 } ) db.user_yearly_totals.ensureIndex( { username: 1, date: 1 } ) db.daily_totals.ensureIndex( { date: 1 } ) db.monthly_totals.ensureIndex( { date: 1 } ) db.weekly_totals.ensureIndex( { date: 1 } ) db.yearly_totals.ensureIndex( { date: 1 } ) sh.shardCollection("herbert.user_yearly_totals", { username: "hashed" } ) sh.shardCollection("herbert.user_weekly_totals", { username: "hashed" } ) sh.shardCollection("herbert.user_monthly_totals", { username: "hashed" } ) sh.shardCollection("herbert.user_daily_totals", { username: "hashed" } )
Pmacct is used to collect the netflow, attach the required BGP attributes then send it off to a queue in RabbitMQ so we can later marry these up with a user. I am using the following configuration file:
! ! pmacctd configuration example ! ! Did you know CONFIG-KEYS contains the detailed list of all configuration keys ! supported by 'nfacctd' and 'pmacctd' ? ! nfacctd_port: 2055 daemonize: false aggregate: src_std_comm,src_host,dst_host,src_port,dst_port,timestamp_start,timestamp_end plugins: amqp amqp_exchange: raw_netflow amqp_exchange_type: fanout amqp_refresh_time: 2 amqp_host: amqp_user: herbert amqp_passwd: somePassword amqp_routing_key: plugin_pipe_size: 10240000 plugin_buffer_size: 10240 ! BGP Information bgp_daemon: true bgp_agent_map: /usr/local/pmacct/etc/ bgp_daemon_pipe_size: 1310710 nfacctd_as_new: bgp bgp_src_std_comm_type: bgp bgp_src_as_path_type: bgp
The file is because in my setup I'm exporting my BGP data from a zebra/quagga instance where the source of this BGP information will be separate from the point I'm collecting Netflow from. Ultimately in my setup, I get BGP from our edge routers and collect netflow from a distribution point before NAT occurs. My file ultimately looks like this where is the box sending BGP into Pmacct and is the id of the router sending netflow:
id= ip=
BGP and Netflow
To export BGP into Pmacct, my quagga config looks like this. It should look the same from any IOS device though ( however you may wish to use route-maps to alter the BGP communities you send on.) Pmacct will automatically use the same ASN of the device that connects to it and receive iBGP only. My Quagga config looks like this:
router bgp 64698 bgp router-id neighbor remote-as 64698 neighbor description Herbert Remote Collector neighbor update-source neighbor route-reflector-client ... !
The netflow config I'm using (Note: I pass full netflow information right down to be stored in my MongoDB cluster for accountability purposes. You can always lessen the load by only sending a subset of these fields across.) should be replaced with the pmacct netflow collector
ip flow-cache timeout active 1 mls netflow interface mls flow ip interface-full ip flow-export version 5 ip flow-export destination interface Te1/1.100 ! I am the interface going out to the border NAT Device. ip flow ingress !
Configuring Herbert
The RabbitMQ user-auth exchange is used by the netflow-processor to keep a local cache of IP to user mappings. It should be used to push JSON messages once a user login event occurs somewhere on your network. We have a script used to pull down RADIUS logs with DHCP logs to pass the messages into this exchange. An example of the message to push into this exchange is:
{ u'ip_address': u'', u'mac_address': u'd0:22:be:33:44:44', u'method': u'acs', u'timestamp': u'2014-05-15T15:40:51', u'username': u'abc123' }
This little utility has one job. It's purpose is to take the user registrations from a queue attached to the user-auth exchange and write them to the mongo datastore. We do this so instances of the netflow-processor can look up who a flow belonged to and so we've got some history on it. The configuration file looks like this:
amqp_server: amqp_exchange: user_auth amqp_queue: herbert_auth_log amqp_username: herbert amqp_password: somePassword mongodb_server: mongodb_database: herbert mongodb_auth_log_collection: auth_log mongodb_username: herbert mongodb_password: somePassword
To deploy with python 2.7 just install pip and run 'pip -r requirements.txt'
The netflow processor is responsible for taking the output of pmacct (that is, Netflow with BGP community information attached), matching the flow with a user and updating the counters for the appropriate document in MongoDB. The updates are cached in memory for a time and performed in bulk operations so it's recommended that you run Mongo 2.6 or greater to take advantage of the performance gain in bulk updates. The settings file looks something like this:
amqp_server: amqp_user_auth_exchange: user_auth amqp_raw_netflow_exchange: raw_netflow amqp_raw_netflow_queue: raw_netflow amqp_username: herbert amqp_password: somePassword mongodb_server: mongodb_database: herbert mongodb_username: herbert mongodb_password: somePassword forks: 10
You should be aware that this process is capable of forking itself to process more flows concurrently. You can always run more than one instance across as many machines as you want for performance and redundancy.
To deploy with python 2.7 just install pip and run 'pip -r requirements.txt'
Herbert Frontend
The frontend is built on Meteor, an open-source platform for building web-apps. This does mean you'll need to spin up a node server. Once you have done that and installed npm you can install meteor by
curl | /bin/sh npm install meteorite cd /the/directory/you/have/the/frontend mrt bundle bundle.tgz tar -zxvf bundle.tgz
To run the server you do. You may like to put this in an upstart script or however you prefer for your distro
export METEOR_SETTINGS="$(cat /location/to/herbert/src/settings.json)" export ROOT_URL= export MONGO_URL=mongodb:// export PORT=80 /usr/bin/node /location/to/gui/dist/main.js